Thursday, January 05, 2012

Oh Dear Lord, Mary and Joseph

Ummm, so how about I'm the most awkward person EVER. Just figured I'd establish that.

It. Was... THE BEES KNEES! OUT OF NINE! Haha, my husband will be as big of a dork as me. Finishing sentences with movie quotes that pop into his mind and such. (That's from Pineapple Express)

So, first thing out of his mouth would be, "So.. You're SURE you're okay with the no strings attached thing, right?" I lied. I said yes. Fuck. Actually, I am okay with it. It actually happening.. I realized that that's what I wanted, he's just the package that came with it and that I'm not so hung up on him, as much as I was what he offered. I still like him though, just I could care less about emotional bull. So I didn't lie. Relationships aren't meant for me anyway. I can't handle them. Too much pressure. Oh. My. Goodness. I'm not sure how much I've typed and backspaced. I can't concentrate. SEX. SEX. SEX. My mind is completely frazzled. It's been so long. Since.. Tyler in August. How awkward that it had to be in the same place. Whatevs, that just means I can replace old memories with.. new ones.

*January 11, everything in red is a complete and utter lie. You lying fuck.

Wow. My first black guy.

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