Wednesday, November 09, 2011


xD Heeheehee, I love hanging out with Nicole. Like, for real, though, I'm most comfortable with her because we're so alike, so I don't feel like an idiot for being myself. Hahaha, like we creep together and apply universal laws of attraction to finding people in Wal Mart, and we like grandma sweaters and we speak ghetto with each other. Normal people just..they wouldn't get it. HAHAHAHA.

I can't believe I saw Joseph...and ran. -facepalm- I said I would quit thinking about that.

I remember when I was deep and had thoughts that I could turn into such beautiful words that flowed out like a river. I feel so empty and shallow now that I'm happy-ish. DAMN. I wonder what it is in me that is so unsatisfied with happiness. Maybe because I feel it in the darker moments, the way I know at any minute it's going to vanish completely. I'm so unused to happiness, and there's a part in me just waiting, trying to keep myself from floating up too far. The higher you go, the harder the crash. I wish I could just stay in this moment. Live day today, and not think about the what's to come or what has already came. That's what I try to do for the most part, but living like that leaves you only with a part of the bigger picture and keeps me from.. analyzing what's happening in the scene and figuring out the symbolic nature. I think.. I really do enjoy it, but the intellectual artist in me can't stand it and wants so much more. Yet, luckily, according to everything I typed I definitely have the ability to delve back into myself, so shit, I'm not gonna worry about it anymore. Enough deepness for me. "This isn't as deep as I thought." That's what he said. Teehee.

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