Thursday, June 30, 2011

Worthwhile Summer Romance, Please?

I had a great day with Lucy yesterday. Then a great night with her and Nicole. That movie was frikkin amazing, bro.Heeheehee. Awe. I spazzed like crazy. <3 -swoon voice- It just hit so closed to home. Lmao. Not really, though.

Transformers with Justin, Nicole, and Maddy Saturday. <3 Heeheehee, I'm so excited. I love hanging out with people. Such a natural high. Being around people that make you happy is...just lovely.

I don't love you. I love the idea of you. I haven't really had feelings for anyone lately. I realized, I like the idea of being with someone. I hate actually being with someone, though. I always find something wrong. Not something, a million things. So I'm just gonna stick to daydreaming about made up people for the time being, hahaha. xD

I found an old list of the perfect guy. I wanna make a short one.

1. Must be a Harry Potter fan. Read all the book multiple times, seen all the movies, and likes the books more. Absolute must have and I will not settle for less.
2. Isn't clingy, over sensitive, insecure, or too affectionate.
3. I hate potty mouths. Mustn't mind cussing, but doesn't do a lot of it.
4. Mustn't be a nympho, but I can't really handle a virgin. I have to be able to get it when I want it.
5. Good kisser. I hate slow kissers, but I don't want a sloppy fast kisser. Ew.
6. Nice hair. I dunno. I can be shallow. I hate ugly hair. I want it soft and long enough to pull too. :3
7. Acknowledged in the first one, I want a reader. Not a complete book worm, but well read.
8. Nice hands and nails. I hate dirty, long, or bitten to the nub fingernails. I also hate girl  hands. Yuck.
9. I love a guy with nice arms. Muscular and veiny. Nothing sexier.
10. Psht, guy with a vehicle is a must have.
11. Must have great taste in music. Umpf. Well informed in the area of classic rock, please.
12. Knows how to dress. Sexy guy in ugly clothes beats ugly guy in sexy clothes, but still. No.
13. Smart. What do I look like with a dumb guy? No thanks.
14. Nice teeth and lips. Goodness knows I stare at a person's mouth way too much. Bad teeth are a turnoff.
15. Mmmm, pretty eyes. I like light eyes. Light brown, light blue, light green. It's all good. :)
16. Quirky. Enuff said. I love weirdos. To an extent...
17. Knows how to act in public. I hate overly obnoxious people.
18. Guy that likes to cuddle. Oooh cuddling. :3
19. Smoker. I don't care if he smokes cigs but he has to smoke pot. It doesn't even have to be excessively.
20. Numba Twenty. Heeerrrm...not a man whore. :)

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